By logging in to your account in the library catalog, you can:
To view a list of items currently checked out, log in using the "Sign In" link in the upper right-hand corner:
Log in using your TU AccessNet ID and password.
Go to your library account dashboard by clicking on your name in the upper right-hand corner and select "My Library Account" (or select "My Loans" from the menu):
From the library account dashboard, click the "Loans" tile or click on "Loans" in the menu tabs above the tiles:
You will then see a list of all active loans currently on your account.
In addition to viewing your current loans, you can also view a list of items you've checked out in the past. Your historic loans remain visible for approximately one year.
To view you historic loans, follow the instructions above to access your current loans list, and then click on the downward facing arrow next to “Active loans” and switch to “Previous and historic loans”:
If you have items checked out that are approaching their due date and you aren't done using them, in many cases you can renew them to extend the due date. Here are a few important things to keep in mind about renewals:
To renew items, start by following the instructions above to navigate to your Current Loans list.
If you wish to renew everything that you have checked out, click on “Renew all” above the list of loans:
To renew some, but not all of your items, first check the boxes to the left of the ones you want to renew, then click "Renew Selected":
Temple University Japan Campus Libraryย ย 1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0004
Tel: 03-5441-9867 Fax: 03-5441-9811ย ย Email:ย tujlib@temple.libanswers.comย ย Web: