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An introduction to research in Education

Professional Journals and Classroom Teacher Resources

Finding materials aimed at classroom teachers

Professional journals (also known as professional periodicals or trade journals) report on industry trends or techniques useful to people in a specific trade or field. The articles/papers in these journals are written by specialists in their field for other practitioners.

In the field of education, professional journals have materials that have been evaluated by experts in state departments of education, professional organizations and curriculum supervisors for districts and are aimed at classroom teachers, educational leadership, or administrators. This guide page will help you find papers from professional journals for classroom teachers. ERIC (the Educational Resource Information Center) contains a large collection of these journals which suggest study units, evaluate lesson plans, suggest teaching methods, and report on programs. See below for how to find professional papers for teachers.


1. Access ERIC [via EBSCOhost]

2. Enter keywords (ie, "teaching methods" OR "instructional effectiveness"; "science activities") in search field

3. Under search options, select:

  • Education level or grade you're interested in
  • Publication Type
    • Guides-classroom-teacher
    • hold control key and scroll to select Reports
  • Intended Audience: Teacher

4. Click search