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Library Resources in Canvas

A guide for instructors about embedding library resources in Canvas courses

Why add a librarian to your course?

Adding a librarian to your Canvas course in the Designer role allows them to help with:

  • The Library link and related settings
  • Embedding library content from research guides
  • Best practices for linking to library content

Additionally, this is a way to share key course resources like your syllabus with the librarian. The librarian will not share course resources with anyone else.

Note: librarians in the Designer role do not have access to Grades or Assignment submissions. Read more about the Designer role.

Add a librarian to your course as a Designer

  1. Log into Canvas, and navigate to your desired course page.

  2. Select People from the left course navigation.
    Canvas course nagivation link - People

  3. Select the + People link on the right.
    Add People

  4. Select the corresponding radio button, and enter the user's Email Address or Login ID.
    Note: the email or login must be the user’s AccessNet and not an alias.
    Add People using email or login ID

  5. Choose Designer as the role, and select Next.
    Designer role in Canvas

  6. Now you can confirm before adding the user to the course. Click Add Users to confirm.
    Add users

  7. The user will receive an email notification and be added to the list of People in the course.