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Zotero at Temple

guide for installing, setting up, using Zotero and getting help

Zotero Add Ons

Installing Plug-ins

Steps for installing a third-party plug-in

  1. Download its .xpi file to your computer. If you are using Firefox, right click on the plugin file and "save link as."
  2. Open Tools in Zotero  and select Plugins (Add-Ons in Zotero 6)

Zotero Tools Plugins

  1. Click the setting gears and select "Install Plugin from File."

zotero manage plugin

  1. Select the plugin file (ends in xpi) from where you downloaded the file. Activate or toggle on the plug-in, if it not already on.

Zotero plugin file


AI summaries and Q&A in Zotero

Zotero does not yet have free AI tools built in, but there are a number of ways to connect other AI tools to your citation collecting in Zotero.

Using an AI assistant browser extension, such as Perplexity AI Companion or Sider AI sidebar, can generate a quick summary of key points on a webpage, which can be copied and pasted into a note attached to the citation item once you save it in Zotero. 

The open-pdf Zotero add-on can help connect the AI summarization and chatbot features of PDFgear to PDFs in your Zotero library. Add any notes taken in your PDF to Zotero automatically by choosing "Add note from annotations" in Zotero's right click menu.

Video demonstration: Zotero / PDFgear / open-pdf setup and usage

The following add-ons can also connect paid ChatGPT access to a Zotero library: