Get quick access to full-text articles by using our OpenURL
Step 1: Open Preferences or Settings
Open up your Zotero Preferences or Settings
- For MacOS, Preferences or Settings is under the Zotero tab.

- For Windows, Preferences (Zotero 6) or Settings (Zotero 7) is the last item under the Edit tab.

Step 2: Go to Advanced and the OpenURL box
In your Zotero Preferences or Settings, click on the "Advanced" tab.
Zotero 6: You should be within the first General tab.
- Toward the middle, there is a section labeled "OpenURL". The first image below is for MacOS, and Zotero 6 for Windows will have the same setup.
- Leave the dropdown menu set to "Custom".
Zotero 7: Within the Advanced tab, scroll to the section labeled "Locate". See figure for Zotero 7 below.
Step 3: Copy and paste in URL
- In the "Resolver" field, copy and paste this URL:
- For Zotero 6: Leave "Version" set to "1.0".
- Optional: Check "Automatically tag items with keywords and subject headings."
Zotero 6 Open URL Resolver

Zotero 7 "Locate" for the Library's OpenURL resolver

Step 4: Set Zotero Connector (browser extension) to automatically download PDFs
- Access and Go to Zotero Connector preferences
- Firefox: Right-click on the Zotero save button and choose Preferences
- Chrome: Right-click on the Zotero save button and choose Options
- Safari: Right-click on the page background and choose “Zotero Preferences”
- Edge: Right-click on the Zotero save button and choose "Extension Options"
- Under the heading "Save to, you may have an "Authorize" button, and if so, click on Authorize and accept the default.
- The default have checks for both "Automatically take snapshots when saving items" and "Automatically download associated PDFs and other files when saving item."
- Notes: We recommend that you automatically download PDFs, but if you do not want to do this, uncheck "Automatically download associated PDFs and other files when saving item."
- Under Automatic File Importing, if not checked, check "Import BibTeX/RISRefer files into Zotero."

More information on Zotero Connector preferences.
Updated 8/11/2024