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Research Guides
Course Reserves for Instructors
Setting up your list
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Course Reserves for Instructors
This guide will introduce you to the libraries' course reserves program, which you can use to make your course materials freely available to students. Have questions about reserves? Email us at
Start here
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What are course reserves?
What types of materials can go on reserve?
Why should you use course reserves?
Setting up your list
Adding course reserves to Canvas
Creating your list
Managing sections
Adding materials to your list
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Searching the library
Requesting chapter scans
Manual entry
Cite It!
Other ways to add materials
Sending your list to the library
Other useful features
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Your favorites list
Frequently asked questions
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List management
Purchasing policies
Circulation policies
If the library does not own your request
Video tutorials
Setting up your list
Use the tabs in this section to learn how to get started with reserves and set up a reading list.
Why should you use course reserves?
Adding course reserves to Canvas >>