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Course Reserves for Instructors

This guide will introduce you to the libraries' course reserves program, which you can use to make your course materials freely available to students. Have questions about reserves? Email us at

If the library does not own your request

Once you add it to your reading list using the "Manual entry" option, we can fulfill requests for materials the library does not own in one of three ways.

Interlibrary loan

We can acquire PDFs of book chapters and articles that the library does not have access to via interlibrary loan. 

Instructor personal copies

If you have your own copy of an item, we can put that copy on reserve. Once you add the item to your reading list, please let us know by emailing that you plan to drop off your own copy so we know we don't have to purchase it. 

You can drop off personal items at the One Stop Assistance Desk at Charles Library anytime the library is open. 

Personal items may experience a higher than usual amount of wear and tear due to frequent use. 

Personal items must be picked up from the One Stop Assistance Desk within 60 days of the end of the semester. Unclaimed materials are donated. 

Purchase requests

Unless we hear that you have a personal copy to drop off, we send all  requests for books and DVDs the libraries do not own to our acquisitions department. They make decisions about what to purchase on a case by case basis. See the "Purchasing policies" tab for more details.