Once you've added the Course Reserves link to Canvas, you can choose between creating a new list or rolling over a list from a course you've taught in the past.
To create a new list, click the "Course Reserves" link in the left-hand Canvas menu and then choose the "Create New List" option.
The next step is to name your list. The system will automatically name the list to match the name of the course, but you can change it if you like.
You can add a description of your list if you like, but it is optional.
The final step is to choose how to organize your list into sections. Choose your preferred option from the drop down - you can always make changes later.
Click "Create List" to finish the process and start making requests.
If you've previously taught the same course for which you are building a list, you can "roll over" your reading list from the old course into your current course.
To do this, click the "Course Reserves" link in the left-side Canvas menu and choose the "Select Existing List" option.
You'll see all of the reading lists that you've created for previous courses. Reading lists from Spring 2022 - present are available to you, EXCEPT Spring 2024.
When you see the list you want to add, click "Duplicate List." This will create a copy of the reading list that attaches to the current course.
The system will automatically name the list as "[old reading list name] (Rolled Over)." We STRONGLY suggest changing this to something that aligns with the current course, such as "[Current Course Name], [Semester/Year]."
Click "Create List" to complete the rollover process. Now you can add or change the materials on the list like normal.
It is your responsibility to verify that rolled over materials, including any PDFs and web links, are correct before requesting review.
You MUST click "My List is Ready" when you're ready for the library to review your list. See "Sending your list to the library" for details.
Need help? Email us at asktulibrary@temple.edu