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Course Reserves for Instructors

This guide will introduce you to the libraries' course reserves program, which you can use to make your course materials freely available to students. Have questions about reserves? Email us at

Cite It!

If you have a publicly available online source (such as a blog post or Youtube video) that you'd like to add to your reading list, you can use Cite It! to pull the source directly from the web to your list. 

To add Cite It to your browser, click the Settings gear in the top right corner of your reading list (above the "My List is Ready" button). 

In the Settings menu, click on "Cite It!" From here, what you do depends on what browser you are using:

If using Google Chrome: Click the "Chrome Extension" tab and click the link to install the Chrome extension. Once you've installed it, go back to Canvas and click "Copy institution info." Then right click the extension in your browser, click "Options," and paste what's in your clipboard into the field that appears. This will link your Leganto account with the browser extension. 

If using any other browser: Click the "Bookmarklet" tab. A graphic will appear. Follow the instructions to drag the Cite It! icon to your browser's bookmarks bar.  

*As of November 2024, the bookmarklet does not work with the following websites: Youtube, Wiley, Elsevier. Our software vendor is working on browser extensions for all browsers, which will correct for this issue. The library will provide updated instructions when available. In the meantime, if you want to add a source to your reading list from one of these sites, please use the Chrome extension or add the link yourself with the Manual entry feature. Contact with any questions. 

When you're on a webpage that you'd like to add to your list, click on the "Cite It!" tool in your bookmarks bar/browser extensions. 

A window will appear where Cite It! has pulled all the information about the source it could. You should always verify that this is correct and make changes if necessary. 

At the bottom, use the drop down menu to choose the reading list where you want to add the source.  

Click "Add" to add the item.  

Note that Cite It! will not correct for paywalls or other access barriers. If you have concerns about access, contact us at